Category: Games

Winning Ways

So the Sox sweep the Mariners – which makes me quite happy – and I’m listening to the Spinners game on the radio (the completion of the game we got rained out of last night) and Jeff Natale, rehabbing in…

Oh So Wet

(Photo by Christian Petersen/Getty Images) The Sox are in Seattle yet I’m the one who ended up soaked (along with my friends who made a rained-out game loads of fun! Shout out to the SGers! Umbrella giveaway night was a…

Sweet Dreams

Tek hit a two-run homer! (Photo by Otto Greule Jr/Getty Images) I had no plans to watch the entire game. None at all. Yet, I did. I should be smacked. No way I should still be up right now. 🙂…

Recap Redux

A blinding headache, that still hasn’t left me, caused me to temporarily forget some of the good aspects of yesterday (which KellyO reminded me of in last night’s comments. We saw Michael Bowden (he threw a side session yesterday): We…