Category: Games

Live Baseball!

Feels like it’s been forever since we’ve seen a “real” baseball game, huh? Well the wait will be longer since the Red Sox are on the west coast this weekend and we don’t get baseball until 10:05pm. 😡 Also, I’m…


I thought it was terribly nice of the bullpen boys to suck in order to be simpatico with Clay tonight. All for one and one for all, I suppose. Nothing lost since Rays lost tonight too (as did the Yankees)…then…

Yeah, Baby!

(AP Photo/Winslow Townson)  Another exciting win for the Sox. Great way to end the night. I’m running around today because it’s my Goddaughter’s seventh birthday and I’ll be chaperoning a dozen seven year-old girls this afternoon. So when things settle…

Oh well

I’ll write here what I just wrote somewhere else. I don’t mind the split at all.  As a matter of fact, at Yankee Stadium and the way the Sox have been playing on the road as of late, I’ll take…