Category: Hall of Fame

That time again

Admittedly, I haven’t been paying too much attention to baseball lately (unless you count last night.  Hey, Theo was there.  Gammons was there.  LENNY was there.  It was baseball-related!), so the fact that today is the day they announce the…

Hall of Fame Time Again

I’m nursing a bit of a broken heart right now (and that’s as  much as I’ll ever say on this subject again), so if I’m all over the place, well that’s the way it goes.  🙂 About Mark McGwire and…

Jim Rice, Robbed Again

I’m so disgusted with the "writers" that I can’t even write about this right now. Shame on them.  You’re already a Hall of Famer to Red Sox Nation, Jim Ed. From today’s Boston Herald:   "Go back and look at…