According to the Boston Herald’s Jeff Horrigan, the Phillies, the Tigers and the Rays (among others) are all interested in a trade with the Sox for Kyle Snyder. So now it begins. The waiting. I hate waiting. (Yeah, it’s all…
Category: Kyle Snyder
So did the team take Kyle out last night and get drunk? They’re sure playing like it. In all honesty, my focus still really isn’t on the game or the team. I’m sure that will change a bit when I’m…
For Kyle
Click on the “Being a Fan” link in the header above (or here) to read about my feelings on meeting Kyle last year and about fandom in general. Getty Images Photo by Jed Jacobsohn Be forewarned those reading this, my…
The Red Sox Hate College Kids
I mean come ON – 24-0 and 15-0? That’s just insane. And I love it! Josh on his performance yesterday: "It doesn’t matter if you’re playing in a media game or a college team or facing big league hitters. I…