Kyle Snyder on picture day – photo from Getty Images by Nick Laham See? I told you it was like school. Eye test one day, picture day the next! What I didn’t realize about “picture day” (and I should have)…
Category: Kyle Snyder
Paps loves Snydes!
(Or maybe just himself!) I uploaded this yesterday (special thanks to Cindy!) because I adore Kyle Snyder and there is so little on him out there. Besides, a lot of it is pretty darn funny. (As a point of reference,…
I’m just going to ramble…
.,,while I prepare for my final installment of "Bronsonpalooza" for winter 2008. Photo of Kyle lifted from I don’t care about the EMC patches on the uniforms in Japan as much as you’d think I would. How…
Judgment Day
I’ve been pretty vocal about my feelings on steroid use so I feel no need to rehash that right now. What surprises me about this whole debacle is that I had a difficult time sleeping last night, thinking about…