Category: MFY

Long-Haired Freaky People Need Not Apply

Watching the Yankees/A’s game on Extra Innings…with the YES feed. Michael Kay:  "Dan Haren looks like he goes to the same barber as Barry Zito.  Kind of ‘renegades’ here in Oakland." The Yankees just blew a 4-0 lead and all…

It’s nice to see…

…that Tanyon Sturtze is already in mid-season form. "I don’t care if they get upset," Sturtze said. "They can get upset at whatever they want. I was trying to go fastball in and I got it in too deep. I…

Let me get this straight.

The Yankees and their fans are continually complaining that the Yankees S*ck chant and shirts are allowed in and around Fenway…yet the Yankees and MLB approved and profit from this? How sportsmanlike of them.  How professional.  Ooh, Red Sox fans…