Category: MFY


I had an epiphany of sorts in responding to a comment that an Yankees fan just wrote to me. I’m going to re-post part of what I wrote here: I’ve finally figured out the Yankees fans who visit this blog…

Words of wisdom from Al Leiter

Michael Kay is going on about how important a win this is for the White Sox but it isn’t for the Yankees because the Red Sox already lost. Al Leiter seems quite irritated that Kay thinks any game right now…


I had no intention of posting today…no intention of posting for a few days.  Life is much too crazy right now and I haven’t even watched the last two games.  But I came online to do some work via email…

What a surprise

The Yankees benefit from yet another bad call by an ump.  I’d love to see the numbers on that. Arod got a gift and Adam Eaton got hosed.