Category: Miscellaneous

Let’s Take Stock

*  Crabcakes?  Still hates me.  I don’t want to hear any “He was pitching on 3 day’s rest” crap.  He was pitching on short rest the same as he pitches on his regular rest.  Like crap. *  Craig Hansen?  Okay,…

Six in a Row

There is no arguing or denying that the Sox are on fire right now. Manny can take a day (or two) off; Beckett, Tek and Delcarmen can take sick days; Cora and Lowell can hang out on the DL and…


Not for the Sox, but for me! Heading into town with my sister and Madison to take on the Museum of Science and just enjoy the day. For HS, Madison in 2004: Somewhere there are more current photos of her…

The Ultimate “Pink Hat”

I despise the phrase “pink hats” when used to describe bandwagon fans. It implies that the bandwagon fans are all women. This we know to be utter bullshit. So whenever someone uses that phrase in front of me, I make…