Category: Miscellaneous

Woofa Goofa Mama Toofa

Happy birthday to Peter Wolf!  When I was a senior in high school, our graduating class sold sponsorships for some book we were selling.  I bought a couple and signed them with some of Woofa Goofa’s signature ‘rants’.  My sister…


I basically started and ended my day falling down – literally.  SO I’m sore and cranky and hearing about Dennis Johnson dying didn’t do anything to improve my mood.  Back in the day, I was as passionate about the Celtics…

“Jen” rocks like Cleveland!

"Jen" works with Typepad and she and "Carla" have been trying to figure out the issues with my blog and tonight Jen did it.  Here is where I admit that the issue was because of something I did, not typepad. …

I AM a fan of the Patriots…

…but for the most part, I watch football to kill "sports" time in baseball’s off-season.  So, while I’m bummed about the Pats, it pretty much left me over-night.  (I’ll admit to probably avoiding the Super Bowl because if I have…