In 2002, my house burned down. The fire started at 6am and there were five of us home. It happened quickly and because of a string of strange circumstances, I wasn’t in my bedroom, which is where the fire exploded…
Category: Miscellaneous
Okay, I am admittedly, a bit wasted. We had a goodbye party for Emily tonight. I just put her in a cab, as well as Little Rob (Big Rob and J texted me that they got in their cab safely…
Chase is done
I’m a little rusty so I’m taking it slow today, but I wanted to write about Chase Utley and chasing records. I’m really sad that Utley’s hitting streak is over. I watched his last at-bat last night and was really…
A quickie
Things that have happened over the past week: My mother had major surgery. My laptop died. My internet access at home died. Jason Varitek and Trot Nixon went on the DL David Ortiz and Mark Loretta gave me a reason…