Category: Miscellaneous

Last Sunday in April

Still wound up from last night’s game.  Lenny should be thanking his teammates for saving his cheese yet again (although he seemed to calm down the last couple of innings he pitched).  I really think (hope?) the team can capitalize…

Dear Lenny:

You know what would be good tonight?  If you didn’t suhck.  That would be great, actually. And, the rest of you, a lot of hits.  That would be a big positive too. Thanks. (Edited to add…first two hitters, who happen…

You dropped a bomb on me…

And, no, I’m not talking about Casey Fossum. I left work at 3:50pm today.  Not because it was Friday and  my bosses were being nice, but because some whack job called (or delivered it in person, I never got the…

Ian Browne

Okay, here I am doing what I said I don’t like to do, pimping someone else’s blog.  But Ian Browne is the Red Sox beat writer for and I know I get a lot of folks here who aren’t…