Category: Miscellaneous

Happy Valentine’s Day, Folks!

I’m not going to be around today, but I wanted to just say Happy V-Day to all who celebrate it.  And I wanted to leave some eye candy for the baseball ‘chicks’ out there! Take care, everyone.

A personal, off-topic note

I don’t like to post too much off-topic stuff here…but I’m making a major exception today.  Being an adult who was born with Spina Bifida, I take news like this very seriously.  I received this email this morning and wanted…

Winter Wonderland

I might be the only one not complaining about the fifteen plus inches of snow we got here in my town…but I really can’t complain since this is only the second big storm of the season for us (and I…

Baseball Geeks

I  love the word "geek’.  I proudly tell people I’m a technology geek AND a baseball geek…and there are many of us out there.  I  love that so many people who emailed me about the junk going on in my…