Category: Movies

The Darjeeling Limited – 2007

I’ve never felt compelled to watch one of Wes Anderson’s movies.  Every one looks boring to me (I went back and tracked down their trailers, since there aren’t that many of them, and they still bore me – yes I…

Hereafter – 2010

I didn’t have any plans to see this film but when I last went to the theater and saw Stone and told my mother I was going to the movies she said “Just don’t go see Hereafter because I want…

Secret Ceremony – 1968

Elizabeth Taylor and Robert Mitchum…this would make you want to watch a movie, yes? So I made the mistake of watching it.  Of seeing stepfather Robert Mitchum making out with stepdaughter Mia Farrow (Woody and Soon-Yi anyone?).  Of watching Farrow,…

M. Butterfly – 1993

Watched this movie for a myriad of reasons.  It was free On Demand, I needed a film for my movie a day exercise, it is relatively short and I had watched the first Harry Potter and The Walking Dead and…