Category: Players

That’s What Friends are For

Crazy woman* on her way to Texas thinks shes sneaking a picture of Kyle with her iPhone and he smiles at her. Honestly, it’s getting to the point where someone could show me a picture of Kyle kicking a dog…

Give out Number 21 NOW

In the spirit of full disclosure, my parents started dating when my mother was 16 and my father was 27. This also happened to be in the early sixties and both my parents worked with my mother’s parents and most…

It’s a Beautiful Morning

And as such, I feel the need to say something positive about Jon Lester. Hate leaving bad vibes out there. So here goes. He pitched AS WELL on three days rest as he does on normal rest. How’s that? (Also,…

Big Day Coming for Justin

Okay, too much negativity about Jon Lester in the last post. I still believe what I wrote, but that’s no way to end the night. So… I give you our starter for Thursday’s game (courtesy of Kelly O’Connor) to give…