Category: Players

Sick Saturday

Too many people I know are sick today, so I’m in a sort of self-imposed quarantine so I don’t get whatever the heck it is everyone is getting.  The JD Drew deal is done.  Finally!  I can really get behind…

Happy Birthday, Chris Stynes!

What?  He used to play for the Red Sox (one of the ‘original’ Dirt Dogs!)! (Hey, it’s a slow Red Sox news day.  It was either this or more pictures of Bronson!) Have a great day, folks!

Good luck with that

I’m not going to rant about how crappily the sports writers messed up today (mind you, Gwynn and Ripken?  Totally deserving…well, Gwynn more than Ripken but that’s just a personal opinion.  Both good choices but clearly there are many others…