Category: Players

So ends my love affair with Danny Haren

"“I thought that was pretty bush league there," Haren said. “But I guess that’s the way they do things here." So said MLBlogger and Oakland A’s starting pitcher Dan Haren after the Red Sox beat him and his team last…

How did I miss this?

An article about Lenny!  Not many of these around.  And it’s just from the other day.  Of course, in the media’s desperation to create another Bronson, this doesn’t mention how he is physically right now…but I’ll take what I can…

“Low Rider”…

…is either the music they play when a Dodger gets a hit, or Nomar’s at-bat music.  If it’s Nomar’s at-bat music…he has the same song as Mark Loretta.  Hopefully they’ll meet up at the All Star Game!


…just tried to explain why Carl Everett has gone off on the umpire…and it made absolutely no sense.  Might as well just have Carl explain it for all the sense it made.  Jurassic Carl is thisclose to getting his butt…