Category: Players

Do You Know Me?

I’ve been playing in Major League Baseball for eight years I was an All-Star for three consecutive seasons I have a Silver Slugger and a Gold Glove I made 7.5 million dollars last season My batting average currently leads my team I…

The Ex-Marlins Make My Night

Okay, first off, all written accounts of the game last night mention that Kevin Millar got booed after his first hit last night.  While, I, suppose, that was true it isn’t an accurate description of what happened.  The fans were…

Doug Mirabelli

Amalie Benjamin wrote a nice piece about Dougie’s homecoming today.  I don’t often link to or compliment anyone attached to the Boston Globe…but I really enjoyed this article and wanted to share it. And here’s an interesting one from the…

The GREAT News

Jonathan Papelbon has been named the American League Rookie of the Month for April! Pap is 10 for 10 in save opportunities and he hasn’t allowed a run to score in 13 relief appearances. We’re very proud.  And dam excited!…