Category: Players

Goodbye, Tony

We hardly knew ya. I’m sorry he won’t be with the team.  He’s a good player who really wanted to be here. I hope  he DOES get picked up by one of the teams mentioned in the piece (Mets, Cardinals…

Holy Cow

Well, at least I know he’s keeping his edge during the pre-season. Great day in the morning. This both horrifies and excites me.  Yes, I’m fickle. Woe to those who cross my man Mike! Man, I need some baseball!

Zip N Hit?

I just saw Derek Jeter in a commerical on NESN, hawking Zip N Hit Pro. I’m pretty sure this is a sign of the apocalypse. NESN is also currently showing the top ten Johnny Damon moments and they showed when…

Oh Good God!

Leave it to Johnny Damon to help complete my forgiveness of Theo. Some gems in this one. "The biggest thing that enticed me about the Yankees is knowing that Derek Jeter is going to be here five more years, [Alex…