Category: Players

Mad loves John

I’ve mentioned Madison before, she’s my 4 year-old goddaughter who loves the Red Sox and adored (okay, adoreS) Johnny Damon. My sister sent me this yesterday.  It’s an exchange she had with "Mad" yesterday morning: Mad: I want to wear…

Crossing my fingers

Thanks to Kellia and Jaydawg for alerting me to this news! I’m not a big fan of getting my hopes up…but in this case I am.  If Pedro Astacio passes his physical, the chances of Bronson getting traded lessen greatly.…

And even MORE Bronson

Rumors abound today.  I’ve heard from more than one person about the Arroyo or Clement to the Nationals for either Alfonso Soriano or Nick Johnson and Ryan Church. Matt Clement did a lot for this team last year…and I don’t…