Category: Players

All Bronson, All the Time

Okay, not really…but today’s Globe article is starting to upset me.  (That link goes straight to the article.  Sc*ew giving them more credit than that for upsetting me today.) The good part of the article: ”We continue to move closer…

I no sooner hit “save”…

…after writing about Johnny Judas…and then I read this, about my boy, Bronson. Arroyo could have possibly made more money by doing just one year deals, but wanted the security of the long term deal. With this deal, Arroyo also…

Did you see the sun rise?

As I believe is the case with a lot of internet geeks, I was originally a television geek.  Nowadays I pretty much limit my television watching to "Law and Order: SVU", "My Name is Earl", and baseball games.  But back…

Bringing Back Bronson

Boy, I hope this is true.  And I hope it works out for Bronson.  I want to see him stay in Boston and I think that’s where he wants to be as well.  So we’ll see if both sides can…