So here’s a bit of an interesting one. It’s literally just Michael Halberstam on a stage alone reading from the book A Christmas Carol. There are some graphics. An occasional showing of the pages of the book and some close-ups…
Okay, first off, there is no way you will ever be able to convince me that Christopher Guest or Eugene Levy didn’t see the Theatre in the Park’s version of A Christmas Carol at some point before they wrote Waiting…
Even for an online event I felt a little guilty taking a photo I adore A Christmas Carol. Have since I was very young. I’ve always been a fan of characters no one liked because I truly believed everyone can…
I took this at the Marquis Theater in 2019 – Man I miss live theater. If we were again living in ‘precedented times’ I’d be planning all kinds of fun events for the season. Drinks with friends, holiday-themed theater, drinks…