Category: Television

Outsourced (1) – NBC

I decided to give this a try.  I already watch The Office and 30 Rock so why not try NBC’s newest comedy?  But something feels wrong about even watching it.  So, watch it I did and I feel like it…

Did you see the sun rise?

As I believe is the case with a lot of internet geeks, I was originally a television geek.  Nowadays I pretty much limit my television watching to "Law and Order: SVU", "My Name is Earl", and baseball games.  But back…

Cheap Seats

Totally off-topic…but I’m watching a repeat of "Cheap Seats" on ESPN Classic and they just did a piece on "Boston Terrier Fans" …the dog.  They had a whole comparison of Boston Terriers and "Yorkies" like they were the Red Sox…