Tag: 2010

Hereafter – 2010

I didn’t have any plans to see this film but when I last went to the theater and saw Stone and told my mother I was going to the movies she said “Just don’t go see Hereafter because I want…

Stone – 2010

I rarely get out by myself lately.  Being out of work, I don’t have the alone time in the morning and evening that commuting afforded me.  Also, being unemployed means I spend most of my time at home, in front…

Iron Man 2 – 2010

The first thing I noticed is that while this is supposed to take place six months after the original Iron Man, Robert Downey Jr looks about five years older and thirty pounds lighter.  Which immediately gets explained as the suit…

Bored to Death (1) – HBO

There was nothing about this that appealed to me but I watched it anyway.  It’s one of those odd shows that promises to be really funny but isn’t, yet I’m compelled to watch because there are glimmers of humor and…