Tag: A Movie a Day

The Man Who Knew Too Much – 1956

Hitchcock runs hot and cold for me.  Some of his films I love, some leave me regretting putting in the time.  But I adore James Stewart and this is one of the few Stewart films that I’ve yet to see. …

The Paper Chase – 1973

The first thing that strikes me is that all the funky hairdos of the early 70s are coming back into style today.  Also, I don’t think I’d last ten minutes if law school is as intimidating as this film makes…

Eyewitness – 1981

I thought I remembered hearing about this film from Siskel and Ebert and being freaked out that Morgan Freeman played a bad guy and then I remembered that film I was thinking of was Street Smarts (which I haven’t seen). …

Flawless – 1999

Watching this because someone suggested it (and it’s free On Demand).  It really wasn’t one I wanted to watch (although the subject matter I do find interesting) but I’m willing to give it a try. Holy cow…Hoffman pulls off drag…