Tag: Boston Red Sox


Thanks to everyone who participated in my little giveaway! We got out five winners and I’m hoping (and fairly certain) we’ll have more giveaways coming up! So don’t despair if you didn’t win this time! Congrats to John in Connecticut,…

What I was thinking…

There is no one, not even anyone on the Boston Red Sox, who will tell you that the Red Sox winning the 2013 World Series makes up for what happened in Boston on April 15th this year. It’s ridiculous for…

Looking for Inspiration

Random thoughts. (I saw most of the game but faded in and out during some of it due to an allergic reaction and a bit of Benadryl so these aren’t as comprehensive as they could be!) Fox spent an awful…

I Can Feel It

If the Red Sox sweep the Cardinals…and I’m not saying they will (I’m also not saying they won’t)…they will do it on the 9th anniversary of the night they won the 2004 World Series…against the Cardinals.  I can dig that.…