Tag: Daniel Bard

I staggered back to the underground

One of my pet peeves with sports writers (and bloggers and people who claim to be sports fans and comment on sports blogs and articles) is not getting a player’s name right. Drives me crazy. If it’s your job to…

And there’s been a lot of broken dreams

Just a note of warning:  This entry is long and although I want it to be all-encompassing, I’m sure I’ve missed  few things.  But this is pretty much how I remember 2009! ———————————————————————————————————————————————————————————– 2009 was a fairly eventful year for…

The sight of you with your head hung low

Over the weekend I uttered a phrase that many have spoken when they feel a player is overrated, especially if that player is being considered for the MVP award.  “He isn’t even the MVP on his own team!” Doesn’t take…