Tag: Don Orsillo

I’m Ready for the Red Sox

I haven’t really gotten into all the pre-season goings on just yet.  I listened to the first two games MLB audio let me this week, but my heart wasn’t in it. Today, though…today not only do we get Red Sox…

“Laser Show…and then some!”*

Long, tiring day yesterday.  I made it wide-awake through five complete innings last night which means the score was 6-2 Red Sox when I fell asleep.  When I woke up again, Daniel Nava was at bat in the 7th inning…

Around Baseball

The Red Sox weren’t the only ones to lose a heart-breaker last night as the Lowell Spinners watched their bullpen implode and blow a 6-2 lead after six innings and ended up losing 13-9. The good news is that David…