Tag: Dustin Pedroia

Victory is pretty damn sweet

Okay, I’m trying not to be gloaty about this Sox/Yanks series but DAMN these last two games have been fabulous and fun to watch! And for the first time in a while, Crabcakes has no pressure to pitch. He doesn’t…

You win some and you win some

Mini-game thread in the comments tonight – which was fun. Going to have to do that more often. Tonight the Sox showed the Yanks they weren’t going to go quietly into the night. A little nerve-wracking what with all the…

Saturday in August

A rare 1pm (ish) game on a Saturday makes me happy. I love baseball, but the 4pm or 7pm games can mess up a good Saturday. This is a nice way to begin the afternoon. PawSox didn’t get to crack…


Josh Beckett pitched the entire game, Coco made a fabulous catch and didn’t kill himself in the process, Kevin Youkilis hit his second homerun in as many days and Dustin Pedroia had his 40th multiple-hit game this season. And that’s…