Tag: Gordon Edes

End of pre-season randomness

I had it in my head that the Red Sox weren’t playing the Astros until tomorrow.  Which, knowing the season starts for MLB tomorrow sounds ridiculous as I type it out.  So it was a pleasant surprise to be reminded…

You win some and you win some

Mini-game thread in the comments tonight – which was fun. Going to have to do that more often. Tonight the Sox showed the Yanks they weren’t going to go quietly into the night. A little nerve-wracking what with all the…

Today on the pre-game show:

Heidi Watney and Gordon Edes are discussing Daisuke Matsuzaka’s rehab appearance tomorrow for Pawtucket. Watney points out that he’ll be pitching about an hour away from where the Red Sox will be playing in Philadelphia and Edes asks her if…