Missed a day of posting which is somewhat unusual for me. Had the day off from work yesterday and basically spent it doing things while thinking “I should go blog” but never really got around to it. Then the game…
Tag: Jason Bay
When I look down I just miss all the good stuff
It both amuses and impresses me that Jason Bay, who has only been here a little over a year, is one of the more reasonable person around in regard to what is going on with the Red Sox: “I think…
But strength rained down
I have to give a shout-out to my friend Beth, who not only trekked 140 miles (each way) this weekend to see Tim Wakefield pitch with the PawSox but who also clued me in to this article in today’s Pawtucket…
Our hearts beat safe and sound
Jason Bay: Leading the league in awesomeness! Photo taken by Kelly O’Connor/sittingstill.net and used with permission. Today starts a weekend of (relative) debauchery at, what has now become, an annual “Palooza” with a large group of my friends. I’m still…