So long, Javier Lopez. Photo taken by Kelly O’Connor/ and used with permission.. One thing, among many, that I hate about a player being designated for assignment is that, when it happens, he suddenly becomes persona non grata. He’s dfa’d,…
Tag: Jason Bay
Without you, there’d be no sun in my sky
Hell no! He won’t go! I only wish I was able to take a better picture than this one of Nick Green last Friday night. No wackiness, no controversy, no egos. We just have the likes of Tim Wakefield (he…
I can’t stop I ain’t got no brakes
I like this shot I got of Youk heading for third, the Yankees leaving the field and the guys waiting at home! One of the best visuals at Fenway last night? Nine sets of shoulders slumping in unison as the…
And the rivers shall open for the righteous
Could someone please explain this shirt to me? (Seriously. I don’t get it.) One gets the idea that Jason Bay really still doesn’t get the mindset of Red Sox fans (thanks to KellyO for pointing me to the Ian Browne…