(Totally ripped off from the PawSox site!) Unrelated to the Sox, I have a headache and had shut the television off before the suckage began (am listening to the radio broadcast). So it’s probably better that I didn’t actually see…
Tag: JD Drew
Headachey Gabber
So very warm. I spend late nights and early mornings reading baseball news to find things to blog about. Once I finish my rounds, if I have time, I Google various players to see what folks are writing about them.…
Sleepy Seeds
Got word last night that Tru arrived in Japan safely. YAY! When he’s caught up on work (and sleep!), I hope he’ll be sending us another update. If you missed his first entry, I’ve created a page for the links…
Hey! Ho! Let’s Go!
(Photo by Junko Kimura/Getty Images) I stayed up for a bit of the game last night – watching Clay Buchholz and Kyle Snyder pitch. Kyle gave up 3 hits and a run (on a home run) over 2.1 innings and…