Tag: Jed Lowrie

I’m restless for the open water

Generally speaking, it shouldn’t be difficult to find something to write about on a baseball-themed blog during the playoffs, right?  I mean, sure, I’m a Red Sox fan and the majority of my blog writing is dedicated to them but…

Happiness is just outside my window

Kyle Snyder today pitching against the Marlins in the 9th inning – screengrabbed by me. Here’s a comment someone left today on a Red Sox blog I frequent: Yeah, yeah, us Yankee fans won today, 5-1. HaHa! What’s the matter?…

Freakin’ Friday

I’m wiped.  This week has sucked the something right the hell out of me.  So I look forward to tonight’s game with the hope and expectation that the Sox will bounce back from these last two losses and kick some…

So much randomness

Sox are in a pennant race. This weekend is a relatively important series, especially considering what the Jays did to the Sox last weekend. So where does Rob Bradford (now of WEEI.com) send himself? Philadelphia…to cover the Dodgers/Phillies game tonight.…