I like this shot I got of Youk heading for third, the Yankees leaving the field and the guys waiting at home! One of the best visuals at Fenway last night? Nine sets of shoulders slumping in unison as the…
Tag: Joba Chamberlain
Say “forget it” just for spite
Only good vibes for the Crab Man tonight. (Photo taken by me in Baltimore – 2008.) So I “hate” the Yankees, right? Sure, I suppose in the realm of baseball fandom you can use the word “hate”. I took immense…
Let them leave you up in the air
Daniel Bard during his first appearance at McCoy Stadium. Photo by Kelly O’Connor/sittingstill.net. Used with permission. Thanks, again, to everyone who stopped by for the marathon live blogging yesterday – I had a lot of fun and hope you enjoyed…
There’s miles more heartache yet to go through
Paul Pierce when banner #17 was raised. Photo by Winslow Townson/AP. There’s just so much to cover: During the spring, I had made a few inquiries to New York sports writers about Joba Chamberlain and his court date for his…