Tag: Joba Chamberlain

We all shine on

Back in October of 2006, I wrote about being disgusted with the Yankees and MLB for sanctioning a t-shirt that had a photo of a tombstone on it. (See below.) Mind you, this came out a month after Jon Lester…

How’s your head?

So Daniel Cabrera hits ARod last night and everyone except Joe Girardi and the ump who threw Cabrera out of the game thinks he didn’t mean to. Fast forward to today and during the O’s/Yanks game, Michael Kay has this…

Joba Chamberlain Sucks Ass

What a fuck he is. Not a Yankees fan, not any of my friends nor Jerry Remy will convince me that he didn’t mean to throw that ball at Youk’s head. I don’t care what the count was, I don’t…