Tag: Jonathan Papelbon

Why can’t we be friends?

I’m not particularly proud of this, but last night when home plate umpire Tom Hallion bent over and didn’t upright himself until they walked him off the field, I had two thoughts.  The first was, “Man, I hope he’s all…

On to Texas

Don’t you hate blown saves?  I hate them myself. But, honestly, look at Papelbon’s numbers.  As someone said to me last night, “Red Sox fans seem  mad that he’s not Mariano Rivera while overlooking the fact that NO ONE else…

“Laser Show…and then some!”*

Long, tiring day yesterday.  I made it wide-awake through five complete innings last night which means the score was 6-2 Red Sox when I fell asleep.  When I woke up again, Daniel Nava was at bat in the 7th inning…