Tag: Jonathan Papelbon

We were both too tired to sleep

I’ve been a little wrapped up in politics the last 24 hours or so and don’t have much to say about the weekend of Sox games except this: If one of your players has chronic migraines and either has one…

Here I&#39m, standing such a fool

So yesterday, Mark Wagner, once again, brings the Sox back from the dead and helps propel them to a come from behind win.  Initially I was disappointed that I couldn’t watch Remy and Orsillo call the game but it was…

I need someone to protect

During MLB’s season, my mind is usually spinning with ideas about what to write here.  It takes a little more work for me to get going in the off-season, but Truck Day coming upon us is certainly starting to get…

And there’s been a lot of broken dreams

Just a note of warning:  This entry is long and although I want it to be all-encompassing, I’m sure I’ve missed  few things.  But this is pretty much how I remember 2009! ———————————————————————————————————————————————————————————– 2009 was a fairly eventful year for…