Tag: Josh Beckett


Rough night but time to suck it up and start the day. After a few hours at work, I’ll be hooking up with KellyO and Tru to meet the family and pass along the donations from everyone!  I’ll be back…

I love getting “presents”!

In addition to the nasty, cranky emails I get, there’s a lot of really good stuff too. This morning I received a really sweet email and it had the original of the photo that’s in this post attached to it.…

So much randomness

Sox are in a pennant race. This weekend is a relatively important series, especially considering what the Jays did to the Sox last weekend. So where does Rob Bradford (now of WEEI.com) send himself? Philadelphia…to cover the Dodgers/Phillies game tonight.…

I Don’t Like Mondays

Roberto Clemente would have turned 74 today  “It was one of those days, everyone has them,” Varitek said, “and Josh hasn’t had one of those days.” This is almost exactly what I said to people yesterday.  And why I can’t…