Tag: Kyle Snyder

Birthdays and Dreams

Forty-three years ago today, both Trevor Hoffman and Scott Cooper were born. Cooper made his MLB debut in 1990.  He was an All-Star twice (both times being the only player from the Red Sox chosen for the ASG) and hit…

My curiosity brings you a poll

At times I get self-conscious about how often I use Twitter.  Now, I’m currently out of work and spend most of my time online looking for work and applying for work, so I’m there anyway.  It isn’t my time online…

Keep Hope Alive

I wondered this online last night and I’ll wonder it again here:  Yesterday all the professionals were talking or writing about how the blowout on Tuesday night was proof of Tampa Bay’s dominance over the Red Sox.  Jerry Remy went…

Friday Grumblings

Words of wisdom (again) from Rob Dibble: “So for me, a little bit has to be put back on Strasburg here. Ok, you throw a pitch, it bothers your arm, and you immediately call out the manager and the trainer?…