Tag: Kyle Snyder

Heads Held High

So a Shelley freaking Duncan home run in the 10th inning ends the season for the PawSox.  Puts a bit of a damper on the fabulous day that was the Red Sox winning their series against the Rangers, the Yankees…

Sundays come too soon

This weekend has gone by much more quickly than I would prefer – but what are you going to do?  Last night was suckorama for Red Sox fans.  No PawSox game, Wake and the Red Sox getting their hats handed…

Baseball Overload!

The PawSox lost tonight.  This bummed me out much more than I expected.  Best I can figure, I’m subconsciously anticipating how I’ll feel when their season is over if Kyle Snyder doesn’t get a call-up.  Which, as the month goes…

I love technology!

So I’m on the bus heading home and decided to test out the WordPress application on the iPhone. I’ve posted via iPhone before but it was always through Safari and very clunky to use. This app is much better! Looking…