Tag: Kyle Snyder

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Randomly: * Ouch! (Times two!) – Bobby Kielty had surgery on his ‘sore’ hand yesterday and it’ll keep him out for 4-6 weeks. Jeff Natale, called up from Portland, fractured his left forearm this past Monday when he was hit…

Heavy Hearted

I’ve been trying to compose something about today’s game for the last hour or so and I’m coming up with nothing. During the game, I got a call that my uncle (who was pretty much raised like my brother) has…

It’s a Beautiful Morning

And as such, I feel the need to say something positive about Jon Lester. Hate leaving bad vibes out there. So here goes. He pitched AS WELL on three days rest as he does on normal rest. How’s that? (Also,…

Let’s Take Stock

*  Crabcakes?  Still hates me.  I don’t want to hear any “He was pitching on 3 day’s rest” crap.  He was pitching on short rest the same as he pitches on his regular rest.  Like crap. *  Craig Hansen?  Okay,…