There will certainly be a live chat tonight. Here’s hoping the live chat mojo stays with the Red Sox and also spreads to the Celtics! Let’s Make it Nine for Nine
Tag: Live Chat
Live Chat #8
A little off my game this morning so there was no blog entry…but there is still a live chat tonight! Join us as we go 8 for 8! Eight is Great
2010 Live Chat Number Seven – And Lackey will Lead Us!
CoveritLive was being buggy and shut down before I could post this…WATAH! [youtube=] Lucky Seven – Lackey goes for the Live Chat’s 7th Consecutive Win
Feels like they were off for more than a day
Long weekend plus Red Sox off-day plus waking up at 4am to what sounded like Armageddon, plus almost-dead MacBook Pro = very late post today. My MacBook has been on its last legs for a while and while it isn’t…