Tag: Manny Ramirez

All Star Game Randomness

Milton Bradley and Josh Hamilton  (AP Photo/Julie Jacobson) – I dreamed the All Star Game was last night and 1) I missed it and 2) the American League lost due largely in part to errors made by Derek Jeter and…

Yeah, Baby!

(AP Photo/Winslow Townson)  Another exciting win for the Sox. Great way to end the night. I’m running around today because it’s my Goddaughter’s seventh birthday and I’ll be chaperoning a dozen seven year-old girls this afternoon. So when things settle…

What’s Happening?

Manny gets his 500th homerun celebration tonight at Fenway Tonight’s game (and Thursday night’s game) starts at 6:05pm NOT 7:05pm. Yankees lost again to the Kansas City Royals Angels blew a good lead to lose to the Tampa Bay Rays…