Tag: Manny Ramirez

So, about this Manny guy

Photo by Junko Kimura The first baseball game I ever got to take my dad to (and by “take” I mean “I paid for the tickets and made him go with me”) was Opening Day 2001 at Fenway Park. The…

Oh Manny, put a sock in it

“The Red Sox don’t deserve a player like me,” Ramirez said. “During my years here I’ve seen how they [the Red Sox] have mistreated other great players when they didn’t want them to try to turn the fans against them.The…

Miscellany on Monday

(Shout out to Nancy!) Well done, Crabby, well done. 🙂 So the Sox lose a squeaker on Friday, get pummeled on Saturday and do the pummeling on Sunday? Always hate to lose a series, especially to the Yankees, but it…

Day o Fun

Today is my family reunion.  It starts relatively (see what I did there?) early and ends around the time the Sox/Yanks game will be an hour or so old.  I’ll be bringing technology to get updates, but will, most likely,…