Tag: Mark Teixeira

…everybody has one!

I’d like to know why so many Boston sports writers (and Boston sports fans) are using the “If you say that the front office didn’t screw up you’re in denial” or “If you say you didn’t want Teixeira on your…

Molasses to Rum

I don’t know that I’ve ever read Brian MacPherson from the Union Leader before, but if this article is any indication, I’m not missing much. Okay, that’s a bit harsh.  MacPherson isn’t a terrible writer, just a stereotypical member of…


Ian Browne is reporting that the  Boston Herald is reporting that the Red Sox extended Mark Teixeira an 8-year offer. That sound you hear is the collective scream of the Mike Lowell Estrogen Brigade…and my dad.  My dad has a…

What to write about?

I started writing this piece last  night about money and how the entire country has money problems except Major League Baseball.  Then I put it aside for two reasons 1) it was depressing.  The amount of  my debt is minimal…