Tag: Michael Bowden

What to write about?

I started writing this piece last  night about money and how the entire country has money problems except Major League Baseball.  Then I put it aside for two reasons 1) it was depressing.  The amount of  my debt is minimal…

Technical Freaking Difficulties

Site has been down most of the day because of some disaster of a customer service breakdown over where my server is hosted.  Sorry for that. I promise I have sent many cranky messages to them.   And it coincided…

Around Baseball

The Red Sox weren’t the only ones to lose a heart-breaker last night as the Lowell Spinners watched their bullpen implode and blow a 6-2 lead after six innings and ended up losing 13-9. The good news is that David…

What’d I Miss?

So the plan was to watch the Yankees (I almost live-blogged that game too!), write my piece about Kyle and call it a night.  Instead, I wrote the piece about Kyle first (and timestamped it so it published after midnight…