Tag: Mike Timlin

I Seem to be in a Mood to Rant

So I’m on redsox.com looking over the roster and am reminded of things that need to be said before the seasons “really” begins. * It’s Buchholz. B-U-C-H-H-O-L-Z. For cryin’ out loud, sports writers have been spelling Mientkiewicz correctly for years…

At Least it isn’t Snowing

Apparently the Red Sox lost last night. I didn’t see this so I’ll just go with what they’re saying in the papers. 🙂 I did get to see Colon pitch and he did look sharp. Still, I’m happy that it’s…

Sleepy Seeds

Got word last night that Tru arrived in Japan safely. YAY! When he’s caught up on work (and sleep!), I hope he’ll be sending us another update. If you missed his first entry, I’ve created a page for the links…

Good Friday

“Timlin Injured, DL Unlikely” reads the title of Amalie Benjamin’s latest blog entry. Did she not think there was a better way to ‘report’ that news than to blare “TIMLIN INJURED” on her blog? He has some stitches on his…