Tag: Mike Timlin

My Man, Mike Timlin

I don’t think it’s speaking out of school to mention that Mike Timlin and I have a mutual friend.  I think I’ve written before about the first time I was introduced to Mike (in the middle of a game, at…

Let’s try this again, eh?

A list of the last four games I’ve attended at Fenway: September 9, 2008:  Jonathan Papelbon blows a save against the Rays after Jason Bay hits a two-run homer in the 8th to take the lead. September 10, 2008:  Mike…

Mass Hysteria

Mike Timlin Photo by Jess Gatley On Sunday, during the last game of the regular season, I was online at the place I spend many game nights.  Near the end of the game, one of the regulars cuts in with…