Tag: MLB Network

But baby that&#39s a lie

Red Sox baseball on television today! Unless, of course, you actually live in the Boston area. If what they’ve done historically still holds true, the MLB Network will be airing today’s 1:05pm Sox/Mets game as long as you aren’t in…

The only way to go is to go away

TWO Sox games yesterday.  TWO!  Okay, one of them I had to enjoy via Twitter updates from random media people at the game, but still, we got to see the Red Sox play (and win!) twice yesterday.  True it was…

Don&#39t think that it will be the way it was before

“Baseball is really different now — it’s been cleaned up,” McGwire said. “The commissioner and the players’ association implemented testing and they cracked down, and I’m glad they did.” Translation:  “I’m glad they did because this way no one will…

And there’s been a lot of broken dreams

Just a note of warning:  This entry is long and although I want it to be all-encompassing, I’m sure I’ve missed  few things.  But this is pretty much how I remember 2009! ———————————————————————————————————————————————————————————– 2009 was a fairly eventful year for…