Tag: New York Mets

When the heavens all went dry

I really love the sky at Fenway. I think I took more of these photos last night than of the players. On Sunday at the game I’ll finally get to meet MetsGrrl. I’m looking forward to it. She’s funny and…

Our hearts beat safe and sound

Jason Bay: Leading the league in awesomeness! Photo taken by Kelly O’Connor/sittingstill.net and used with permission. Today starts a weekend of (relative) debauchery at, what has now become, an annual “Palooza” with a large group of my friends. I’m still…

This used to be the place I ran to

Decisions, decisions, Tito. Photo taken in 2008 by Kelly O’Connor/sittingstill.net. Used with permission. I watched some of Sunday’s Sox game on MLB.tv (Sox beat the Phillies 3-1) but I watched not really caring about the outcome. With every pitch all…

I must get on my feet again

Youk with a boo-boo. Photo lifted from WBZ.com (who lifted it from NESN) So I pick on Youk this morning and this afternoon he’s out of the WBC with a sprained ankle. My powers know no limits!! I don’t blame…